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1844. Replace All Digits with Characters

Difficulty Topics


You are given a 0-indexed string s that has lowercase English letters in its even indices and digits in its odd indices.

There is a function shift(c, x), where c is a character and x is a digit, that returns the xth character after c.

  • For example, shift('a', 5) = 'f' and shift('x', 0) = 'x'.

For every odd index i, you want to replace the digit s[i] with shift(s[i-1], s[i]).

Return s after replacing all digits. It is guaranteed that shift(s[i-1], s[i]) will never exceed 'z'.


Example 1:

Input: s = "a1c1e1"
Output: "abcdef"
Explanation: The digits are replaced as follows:
- s[1] -> shift('a',1) = 'b'
- s[3] -> shift('c',1) = 'd'
- s[5] -> shift('e',1) = 'f'

Example 2:

Input: s = "a1b2c3d4e"
Output: "abbdcfdhe"
Explanation: The digits are replaced as follows:
- s[1] -> shift('a',1) = 'b'
- s[3] -> shift('b',2) = 'd'
- s[5] -> shift('c',3) = 'f'
- s[7] -> shift('d',4) = 'h'



  • 1 <= s.length <= 100
  • s consists only of lowercase English letters and digits.
  • shift(s[i-1], s[i]) <= 'z' for all odd indices i.

class Solution:
    def replaceDigits(self, s: str) -> str:
        res = []

        for i, c in enumerate(s):
            if c.isnumeric():
                res.append(chr(ord(s[i-1]) + int(c)))

        return "".join(res)